I don't know about you, but I'm still kind of fighting 2015. I think 2014 was such a red letter year that I'm afraid 2015 won't live up to expectation. After you get a taste of winning you just WANT TO WIN ALWAYS and anything less is like torture, hah. It's like after you go from My happy holiday den of coziness and laziness was way too short. Having to face reality after all the jolly-ness is really harshing my vibe! Also new years seem so arbitrary to me. I always count August or September as the beginning of my year mentally being a teacher and all--January just means back to the grind and parent-teacher conferences (and hopefully a well timed snow day thrown in, hehe). I have to keep reminding myself the year is technically "new". Also I feel that I'm constantly evaluating and goal setting anyways so I don't need to do a whole big thing of starry eyed determination and pep talks. I'm already doing that 24/7, 365. The pep talks I give myself internally are just, all over the place. I kind of wish I had one transcribed right now for your entertainment. Or horrification.
Is it so dumb that I want to be a professional writer but I can't manage to update this blog, ever? (yes)
Is this the most winter doldrum-y post you've ever met? (yes)
OK FINE! I guess I'll say some resolutions even though I'm acting too cool for school, if you're going to twist my arm and everything!
I guess last year my main focus was to be BRAVE. And through God's grace and the help of many others I was able to face my biggest fears! My main goal this year is to be STRONG. I want to be strong spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. I want to be strong to face the unknown and deal with it head-on. I want to be strong each month emotionally when faced with "what if". And I want to be physically strong, because I want to live long and prosper, son!
That's my big new year, new you pep talk.
It's 2015 now, self. DEAL WITH IT!
What a great.goal! I will pray that you will be strengthened with might in the inner man as the scripture says so that all of the other "Strongs" you want to be accomplished will occur!