Monday, July 28, 2014

House Randoms

THIS LINK, makes me happy and proud of my town-

I try to be organized, but people, it's just too hard when it's an entire house to keep going. I definitely get jealous of the bloggers whose homes seem to always have form and function in every room. Fastidious and EVERYTHING with a story (i.e. great grandmothers silk scarf made into amazing wall art, ect. Sometimes my crap is just from Target and the story is that I bought it and it sat there for too long before I actually used it). And if they don't they immediately irradiate all clutter and don't have another attack of "unfinished business" until another 12 months down the road. I have so many small and random projects going all around my house. I almost never get anything actually finished and have a lot of supplies and randoms laying around, cluttering everything up. Stubbing toes, moving everything from room to room depending on which room I want to look "clean".  BUT SO MANY IDEAS THOUGH! Also, I never know how to use tools and end up breaking things--I get frustrated and feel like nothing gets accomplished. I'm happy to do things myself but somethings you need taught how to do!!! I feel like with house stuff to get any change to happen almost every room gets demolished first. Why is that a thing! OH well. I should just go ahead and accept baby steps as my motto, just like Bob.

Thanks to my mom and Aunts one project did get finished last week, and I'm so excited! Most people would probably not consider "putting together bookshelves" a huge project but for me, yes, it was "huge". Over Christmas I bought three Carson Bookshelves from Target with gift cards from all my kiddos and put the rest on my brand new Target Red Card and got free shipping and %5 off. They don't sell the white ones in store so if I hadn't used the card, the shipping would have been an extra hundo. WHAT? Yeah, that wasn't happening.  So basically I spent the better part of two weeks hemming and hawing and finally pulled the trigger. Then the boxes sat in the garage until last week. Just call me Tortoise.

So my mom and Aunt came down, and gifted me with a bunch of tools AND a new power drill! Which was so awesome! And taught me how to use it. So the three of us (my other Aunt who is not a teacher had to work but paid for a lot of the supplies) got to work and put those dang things together. The drill came in handy because to attach the backs you had to drill holes as there were only four predrilled holes (and like, 48 screws). When Ted got home from work he helped out (we were pretty done by that point) and he also ran out and got us Chipotle. (I have been using the Chipotle ordering app so much Chipotle called me TWICE to comment on how much I was using it and congratulate me HAH! Also the employees recognize my name and face...)

Here are a few pictures:

Ted swooping in in the 11th hour and getting all the glory! Just kidding. Also a Scout photo bomb. Also this is in our basement. 

Trying it out on the Dragonfly wall...and we decided YES. Kilim pouf from Target. 

A second pouf! Because, clearance. 

Don't worry, we have so many more books than that. I need to weed through what we have upstairs. So then I can buy more books. 
You're welcome! (does anyone else watch Awkward?)

Mr. Silver Fox was a Homegoods find. He sat around in a bag in my trunk for a month.  Then he sat by a peacock situation in the guest room. Just keeping it real. He's glad to have a home now. 

Can you tell I'm obsessed with this pouf? (I keep thinking Arrested Development every time I say pouf). They are really sturdy and don't give too much when sat on and I hope it stays that way for many years. PS Look at all my purty anthologies! 

Here are a few more house situations going on:

Found this dresser at Goodwill, and it was $49. It's in really good condition but as it's summer break and I'm not getting paid it seemed like a little much. I had already sunk my #colddeadfingers into but was feeling conflicted as I didn't want to spend tithe/grocery money on something we didn't need. (need is such an annoying word to someone who has ALL THESE IDEAS!)  BUT the guy working in the furniture section told me if I waited until after 5 pm it would be 50% OFF!!!! BECAUSE MOONLIGHT MADNESS! (Seriously check your Goodwill calendar online and see when that sale is because it includes furniture!) It was a risk as to whether or not it would still be there (people were swarming around it and Christen even sat on it for me while I tracked down employees). And glory hallelujah it was still there at 5. Ted actually drove there immediately after work and got it in the van before we even made it back to meet him. He was reallllly happy it wasn't 50 bucks, haha. My plan is for this to be the tv unit int he basement. I want to spray paint the legs and hardware and polish up the wood. I heart it! (Right now it's sitting in the garage! hah!)

Got this gigantic handmade dollhouse from a coworker who was getting rid of it. I want to revamp it. It will probably sit in the middle of the floor for a year while I pin random dollhouse stuff. 

Got a pair of these side tables at the Habitat Restore, goal is to replace Ikea Lack's in our master bedroom. I don't know what I want to do with them yet as there is already a lot of wood from the dresser anchoring the room. Suggestions?

So this winter we bought a new kitchen table from the West Elm outlet at an amazing deal. It's the Parker Mid-Century table-

The thing is we need chairs to go with. We have chairs from our former dining table (which is now acting as an illegitimate island in the kitchen...)

I've been planning on white modern-ish chairs from Ikea as Eames chairs aren't that sturdy in my opinion and expensive.  I did find on an online auction these bad boys:

BUT the problem is, if I was getting paid right now I would be able to bid a little higher (to get all six chairs at once would be amazing instead of buying them one at a time here and there) but I don't want to spend us into the ground (nor can I, nor should I) for chairs we don't really need. I'm already being beat out of the bid and there is six days left so who knows how high this could go. So I'll probably stick with the original plan of Ikea chairs. It will kill me a little bit inside to know I could have had actual Danish Mid Century chairs for around the same price but you know, that's life. I hate what online bidding does to me I GET SO CRAZY. I become an obsessive monster.  When it's all said and done I'll probably like the white with the table better anyways. 

Anyways, that's whats going on in my house lately. Also I'm cleaning out closets and have a million things to donate for the millionth time this summer. And I want to paint my bedroom. And I want to hang pictures in the stairwell.  Also I'm putting renegade photos into albums. And I have a million books to read. Don't make me go back  to school! 


  1. This post makes me happy! I would love to see more of your house, because online house snooping is one of my favorite pastimes. I am so with you. I have at least one BRILLIANT idea for every room in my current house and for the future one that I've never even laid eyes on yet. Pinterest feeds my ambitions. But actually getting anything done is a sloooooooow process. Congrats on progress and some amazing finds. I love that dresser and for $25?!? I die.

  2. I LOVE those white bookshelves against the peacock wall! And the poufs in front of them are perfect. I have a lot of ideas, but lack the resources (mostly just money) to do them. Oh to not worry about such things...
