Monday, August 31, 2015

to be brave

Today I planned to post about our trip last week. But, something else is weighing on my mind and I really want to say a few words about it. Preaching at myself if you will-- and I'll just go ahead and let you all read it too. YOU'RE SO #BLESSED. Hehe. 

The other day I read an honest post by a blogger who said she was really struggling with perfectionism. (THANK YOU SOMEONE FOR ADMITTING TO THIS OPENLY). Perfectionism as in, perfectionism about her weight and looks and overall IMAGE. Some thoughts came to me when reading it that has been brewing in my head for years and maybe I've touched on it already a time or two, but here goes:

LADIES--we have so much more to offer the world than JUST OUR LOOKS. Yes, I love to be at a lower weight and let the compliments roll in, have people tell me how great I look.  But then I become a slave even more to what others think about me. Honestly, that has just not been the case the last several years. I'm working on it. But I'm working on being ok at NOT being the "best". Be brave and let people love you for more than what size you wear or if you're the prettiest in the group. Or if you have the most amazing clothes or "image" that others want to replicate. Be brave and let the good things God gifted you with shine through. If someone rejects you because you don't meet a certain standard, then they are NOT a person you want to be spending your time with. Better yet, they are someone who is NOT WORTHY rather than the opposite. 

I think it's pretty funny that we live in a world that is always yelling "be you! be different! stand out! you're one in a million!" Seriously the world/media whatever you want to call it you're HILARIOUS if you think I think you really think that.  You are showing with your actions something totally different. "Be different! But fit into this exactly mold. Or else. You will be ostracized". 

This applies to so many more scenarios than simply weight. I know that I can get down on myself in a group where I know I'm not "the best".  The smartest, the prettiest, the most successful, met the most goals, and so on. The youngest looking, the most hip, the most "in the know".  I guess for me the term "the best" doesn't even exactly describe it...more like when you feel like you're not even on the boards. I've never really wanted to be "the best" but at least in the running, haha. AN INTEGRAL PLAYER. At the very least a decent threat. As if that makes it any better! I need to be brave and know that what I am is enough. 

I do believe you can totally try and be your best. Are you working on being your best self? Not in an annoying Oprah-y way. But like, yes it's ok to work on yourself! It's good! But this BONDAGE thing is the problem. This BONDAGE to worrying and obsessing over your external appearance. I am so guilty of this. Of being in bondage to always worrying over my appearance! Worrying if others are judging me. Judging myself. The bondage is a SIN plain and simple. What are we telling our students, daughters, nieces, friends, and so on?! It's the message that you are not worthwhile if you don't look a certain way. And that is the OPPOSITE of what the Bible says. We all know this verse but I think it should be written on all our mirrors and our hearts:

"But the Lord said unto Samuel, look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him; for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart". 1 Samuel 16:7.


I really like this concept that Jessi Connolly (instagram: @myfreedombell) talks about in regards to this very specific thing. She has a separate (from her main account@jessaconnolly) instagram account to talk and write about her journey forward in health. Her "about me" says "One gal walking forward in health. Ringing my own bell of freedom from bondage over body insecurity in Christ".  I LOVE THAT. Working towards health so you can be RELEASED from the BONDAGE of worrying over your appearance!  Another chunk of wisdom: "Being healthy helps me live for Him in the most uncomplicated and abundant way". She even has the courage to post FULL BODY PHOTOS! IN WORKOUT GEAR! Doing WORK OUT STUFF!  I don't know if I will ever be there lol. 

We all have things to offer personality wise and looks wise. Work with what you have!!! Some people are blessed with long legs--(Taylor Swift). Some are blessed with beautiful eyes. Some have gorgeous hair. Others have tiny waists. Some have slender fingers. Some have flawless skin. Some have beautiful curves. Not everyone can have all the things! And if they do good for them but they are few and far between and probably AREN'T AS FUNNY OR DEEP AS YOU ARE.  (Lol) Don't hide yourself under a bushel basket (that's sunday school speak!) just because you aren't perfect to behold. 

BE BRAVE and let God work through you in ways that only He can, using an imperfect vessel to show others His love and His desire for them to know Him. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

One Summer Turns into Ten Summers

This is crazy, but a few weeks ago was the TEN YEAR anniversary of us being us. How can you put concrete stamps like time on something that is part of you? You really can't remember what life was life before, and it seems that this was always  a thing even before it ever was. Maybe that's how people feel about their children. There never really was a before, just a space on the loop where you are not together physically. 

I know everyone's relationships are different, but I know that I love mine--and not in a romantic and gaga way (because honestly, that is not my way) but in MY WAY-- we just fit.  These pictures are such a good reminder of where we have been and where we are going and despite tough situations we have had an abundance of joy.  I hope this gives you a glimmer of what it's like to be us. Me riding shotgun as we go on a new adventure. Us exploring our city and others. Ted being an expert navigator while I come up with ideas of stuff to do. Trying new things. Laughing. Concerts, plays, weddings, gatherings, celebrations, sitting on the couch, cats, tennis, movies, church, friends and it DOESN'T STOP and I don't want it to stop! One of the many things I love about Ted is that he will get into something I'm interested in so we can also have that in common. Music, tv, books, blogs---watching Pretty Little Liars "ironically" ( he LOVES it). I really do appreciate that about him! He even turned into a CAT PERSON. This is a big deal people! This photo dump is for me and my memories, but I hope you enjoy it also:) 

Our college had this pretend awards ceremony/grammys type thing at the end of the year and we both dressed up as...John McEnroe. He is one of our favorites, tennis-wise AND comedy wise. I don't know, people would dress up!!!! It was kind of like Christian Halloween??? 

Being all formal in 2006. 

Maybe 2009 Christmas? (it's hard to remember!!!) We really we enjoying finding those santa hats obvs. 

Threatening to throw me in that pond. 

 At a friends wedding, 2010 I think. 

 Charleston, May 2011. This was the trip where the ocean punished Ted for peeing in it by taking those glasses and also giving him a wave slap rash that did NOT go away for a year! The ocean will have her revenge...

Magellan, circa 2010. 

 River rats, 2011. 

 That time Ted wore MY JEANS to work and didn't notice!!!! (I am five feet tall and he is over 6 feet...) I think he liked them LOL. 

The short hair era. 

Our first wedding anniversary, 2008. 

Visiting Fallingwater for the first time in 2012, right before the Johnson wedding!

 Savannah, June 2012. 


6th wedding anniversary. 

Dressing up like Doctor Who for halloween. 

Shotgun for life. 
Riding the rails of some kind, as Ted likes to do. 

 Tennis, anyone?

He got tickets to a Buckeye's game--and didn't angle to take anyone else but me. 
 Bean selfie. 

 Our town. 

 Happy Valentimes 2015. 

We did it! We "graduated" from WTC! June 2014. 

 July 4th 2014. 

 7th wedding anniversary. 

 Where will life take us next?! Not sure, but we are SOOOOO ready for the next chapter. As Ted said a few weeks ago, "Whatever it is I'm ready for it. 10 years is long enough". 

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Upper West Side, The Village, Central Park, and The Highline: Summer in the City

We really did have so much fun on our trip to New York last summer. Of course, we've both been to NYC before but every time I go, it's new. It's its own living, breathing, thing. We crammed SO MUCH in. The doctors were impressed at our ability to cram in "funtivities" as Dwight would call them. I think it's one of our main talents as a couple, hah! Ted is great at public transit and I'm good at wanting to do everything and wearing comfortable shoes. Win win. 

City dogs. 

We were so bummed the Guggenheim is CLOSED on Thursdays. This is still on the bucket list for our next visit. 

Central Park--lots of good memories. Walking around in December 2005 with Matt and Jules while a melancholy saxophone played "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas", sweating to death with the friends and eating cupcakes from Magnolia Bakery on Labor Day 2010, and now we have this. A meandering and leisurely stroll just the two of us in 2014. 

 It was so green! 

Good tip from my brother to try this bakery. Oh it was so worth it. (Don't judge, we were doing lots of walking hehe). A fellow Buckeye was working the counter! 

The Highline: is a 1.45-mile-long New York City linear park built in Manhattan on an elevated section of a disused New York Central Railroad spur called the West Side Line. (Thanks Wikipedia)! 
 I love green spaces, especially in the city!
 Best. Tacos. Ever!!!! This post is making me so hangry. 

 The Village. 

I have so much more to share, but I have so many photos I guess it's better to break them down into smaller (hah, that's right, this was small!!) doses.